Ahhhh, yes! It was summer and we had just been hit by a big storm. I promised you photos of the storm damage, didn't I?
Well, the truth be told, this summer really did me in. With its high temperatures and the oppressive humidity I fell into a lazy-ish routine. I spent more time inside than outside. I don't think we ate out on the patio at all since June. I didn't go to one tag sale. I had previously decided not to be a vendor at the farmers market this year and it's a good thing. Last year was so hot on Friday nights sitting on the black pavement of the street where we set up... I can only imagine how hot is was this year! At some point I stop carrying around my camera. Worst of all, I stop thinking about blog posts.
So what did I do all summer? Well, I knit a lot. I read a good bit. I read lots of blogs. We did some moving of furniture in the house as a result of some bedroom trading. I went to the gym a (but not often enough). Not a whole lot and nothing too exciting. Wait, I take that back... we did have a very lovely weekend when we went to visit friends in their new home. (Remember our friends, Chuck and Carol? They are all settled in now in a beautiful new home in Pennsylvania!)
Usually the end of August has a few cooler non-humid days and brings a hint that summer is about to end. This always reminds me of when I was a kid and it made me sad that the summer vacation was almost over. Although autumn is my favorite season, I love the easy schedule of summer: no school, no lessons, no volunteer meetings.
This year, those cooler August days never arrived and this year I was really longing for them! It wasn't until many days into September that the weather finally shook the humidity and the temps dropped. It has been wonderful this last week! Even when the day warms up to a summer temperature, it is still so pleasant!
I am feeling rejuvenated. I am ready for soup making and bread baking and pie baking. I'm ready for more knitting than ever before. I'm ready for evening suppers on the patio and nights toasting marshmallows around the chiminea. I'm ready to get out all the fall decorations. I'm ready to ride my bike and take a walk in the park. I'm ready to snuggle up and watch old movies.
I'm ready to carry my camera around and blog again! So stay tuned. I'll be updating on some old news and reporting on all my fall escapades!

PS~ The fun begins now! Hubby just got off from work today and tomorrow and we are off to Pennsylvania to see Chuck and Carol. Packed an overnight bag, got my camera... let"s go!