These two great guys invited the group to brunch at their home this past Sunday and we had an absolutely wonderful day. We enjoyed so much yummy food, everyone brought an offering to the table.
There were mini blueberry scones. I wish I had eaten another one of these, but I just didn't have room!
Two different kinds of quiche.
The famous Ambler Donuts (that we hear so much about!) cut in bite sized pieces so we could sample them all. I loved the maple cream filled one. I did't try the peanut butter one. I wonder how that one was...
A wonderful fruit salad that everyone wanted the recipe for.We were told that because of the constraints of ingredients on hand, the dressing was an adaptation of the one in the cookbook. We all agreed we wanted the New Jeff Original recipe!
Some Ham Stuffed Rolls with a Maine Honey Champagne Mustard. I guess I didn't to get a photo of these after the basket was opened.
Juices, Coffee, and the most amazing Hot Chocolate made with real milk and large chunks of chocolate that melted in the mug of milk. (Again no photo.)
And then, there was the ever growing leaning tower of waffles! These waffles were the best! They were light and crispy around the edges. Oh so tasty!
Jeff slaved at the waffle iron most of the morning.
We were able to keep the Cook company as the guys have a huge kitchen with a great big table... clearly the hub of their home when entertaining!
After we stuffed ourselves, we retired to the living room (or as Will claims they say in Downton Abbey, "crossed over to the drawing room").
There was much knitting and spinning going on. We also discussed and planned for our next Secret Swap.
A knitter couldn't help but feel the warm and welcome in their home. Everywhere you look there were signs of fiber awesomeness!
Thanks for having us, Will and Jeff! I can't wait for our next outing!