I used to have a huge stash of floss, but it seems to have gone missing when someone moved out of the house. My felt stash soon followed, but at least that was my doing... given as a "gift" to that same person. Now I'm building those stashes back up whenever there's a sale.
And the yarn? I bought it especially for the color, a reddish brown. I'm making bacon. That's right, bacon. It is going to be a bacon and eggs pillow.
We had a very relaxing day today, which was just what I needed. It's not like I've been overworked or on the go very much lately, but I still needed today to be a slow day to recharge. So, that's what I did. I read blogs, and crocheted, and snuggled under a blanket, and listened to podcasts.
The hubby and I made a nice dinner together, turkey meatloaf. I'm not going to bore you with photos of the whole meal, but I will share a quick photo of the Gingerbread I made. Pay no attention to the poor decorating job I did with the powdered sugar. Don't ask. It tasted yummy and that's all that counts.
What was your weekend like? Fun filled and exciting, or quiet and homey?

Bacon and eggs... so that's what it was, hahaha!