Yesterday was a wet, dank, and cold day. Although the rain was only falling lightly, it was constant and saturating. The droplets seemed to be feeling the same as I was... unwilling to leave my resting place.
I had plans to be productive around the house, packing away the snowman decorations to start with. But my plans were changed when my hubby took an unexpected day off from work. A wonderfully relaxing day was spent snuggled on the sofa watching an old movie.
We ventured out to run a quick errand and have a yummy dinner together. After dinner, the race to car in the miserable weather was enough to send us hurrying home to resume our "jammie-clad" hibernation and enjoy another movie together.
Today it is sunny and dry and so much warmer than yesterday, although there is a brisk spring breeze which seems to be trying to blow the remains of winter away.
I am amazed by the number of beautiful red-breasted robins visiting our yard. They seem to be standing sentry against any more wintry weather!
Today, those snowmen will be packed away and I think I'll start a knitting project fitting for the season!

awwwww! i've been feeling the same as those droplets. i noticed the daffodils coming up today, and that sort of brightened my mood.