I didn't really go overboard with my purchases, although the little I did buy certainly added up quickly.
I bought some REAL maple syrup! We've already enjoy a pancake breakfast topped with this awesomeness. I also bought myself this cute Sheep Mug. It's quickly become my favorite mug in the house.
I bought a friend a birthday gift. (I gave it to her before having a chance to take a photo of it, so I stole her Ravelry Stash photo!) It is Periwinkle Sheep ~ Watercolors ~ colorway Chai.
I of course bought my self some yarn, as well as flexible blocking wires, a new shawl pin, and an addi Turbo Lace 24" circular needle which I am going to dedicate to knitting Mutlnomah Shawls. (I've knit this shawl 5 or 6 times and each time I go searching for the right size needle, I find I am already using it for another project. I decided it was time to have a dedicated needle. With all the gazillion circular needles I own, I can't believe I only had one in this size!)
Some close-ups of the yarn:
Maple Creek Farm ~ Sherman ~ colorway Aztec Jewels ~ intended for some Christmas gift socks for a special guy.
Ellen's 1/2 Pint Farm ~ colorway Meadow Pansy ~ a whopping 1400 yards! I'm not sure what I have planned for this.
Briar Rose Fibers ~ colorway Sea Pearl ~ this yarn with its grey & brownish gunmetal look just screams to be used for an Age of Brass and Steam Shawl!
Periwinkle Sheep ~ Sock Dream ~ colorway Mauve ~ let's just say, I need a little pink in my life, so I plan to make a shawl from this.
Oh, and one last purchase I made, of which there is no photo... Maple Cotton Candy! So, so, so, good! I can't wait until next year just so I can get some more!

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