I share with you today the photos of my doll making process. I apologize for the quality of some of the photos. At the time, I didn't have a camera that was very good for taking close-up shots.
I did some research about doll construction and put together my base doll.
I enjoyed learning how to work the construction of the head and neck so that the head would have more dimension.
The theme for this swap was an Autumn Art Doll. I really didn't have a vision of the finished project in my mind, so she just evolved as I went along. She truly was a work in progress. I knew I wanted to knit for her but I didn't have enough time to knit her a sweater, so I made her some leg warmers and a scarf. I also gave her some long auburn hair.
She sat around somewhat naked for a while waiting for my next inspiration. Then I saw a really cool suede skirt somewhere and replicated it for her using felt.
I loved the detailed stitching I gave it.
Then I gave her a jacket, and a hat just perfect for the season... a witches hat.
I looked online at lots and lots of different doll faces and practiced drawing faces on paper and then on scrap fabric. I practiced for quite a while. Then I practiced some more. I was really afraid to actually draw that first line on the doll! If I screwed up, I'd have to reconstruct the whole head again! Yikes! It was getting close to the deadline when I finally just jumped in and did it. I think she came out rather nice looking. Oh, how her personality popped once she had a face!
She stood about eight inches tall.
I remember naming her and giving her a little story. She also carried with her some gifts from her garden and a recipe for something seasonal... a pumpkin bread I believe. (I'm sure I have this all written down or saved in a word document somewhere.)
Although I can't remember what I named her, I do miss her and I hope she has a happy home!

AWWWIES! she's precious! drawing the face would have had me a nervous wreck!